Credit recovery is a strategy that encourages at-risk students to retake a previously
failed course required for high school graduation and earn credit if the student successfully completes the course requirements. Credit recovery courses may be available online or in alternative settings and can be scheduled at different times to suit the needs of the student.
According to the National Survey on High School Strategies Designed to Help At-Risk Students Graduate (HSS), “the strategy was designed to provide a pathway for high school students who have a history of course failure and help them avoid falling further behind in school” (US Department of Education, 2015).
Many students who come to Turning Winds have been underachieving in their previous academic environment but are usually able to catch up quickly with the help of our program. Credit recovery at Turning Winds is part of our individualized support for each client wherever they are academically. More than 90 percent of our teens go on to college or a trade school after their discharge from Turning Winds.