

n.noun  A negative belief is a thought that negatively impacts the individual and causes them to act in anti-social behavior. While it is safe to say that all humans suffer from at least one negative level of thinking regarding their surroundings, making negative thinking a habit is severely detrimentalal for a person’s emotional, mental and […]

Negative Beliefs

/neg.a.tive/ /be.liefs/ n.noun  A negative belief is a thought, or system of thoughts, that negatively affects an individual’s life. Simply put, negative beliefs are those limiting beliefs about oneself or any aspect of a life, that prevents them from achieving success. Negative beliefs are prevalent among troubled teenage boys and girls. Troubled teens create their […]


n.noun A person’s motivation is the attitude or reasoning they implement so that they can engage in some activity or personal endeavor. A person’s motivation is personal and can lead them to a life of productivity or personal self-destruction. A person who is motivated to accomplish goals that promote positive consequences lives a life of […]

Mental Disorder

men·tal/ /dis·or·der/ n.noun Merriam-Webster defines mental disorders as : a mental or bodily condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual—called also mental illness. Troubled teens are a large demographic who suffer from one or more mental disorders. Typical disorders among trouble […]


n.noun When pertaining to the human mind, maturity is a term that describes a person’s capability regarding making choices best suited for their social surroundings, as well as future well being. Maturity is an attribute that can be built, improved upon, and forever changing within the mind of any individual. A person who possess an […]


adj. Maladaptive behavior is a psychiatric term used to describe a person who engages and acts on self-destructive behavioral patterns. Those who are afflicted with maladaptive behavior are individuals who do not see reality for what it is or simply do not care that their way of thinking is flawed. Typically, those who display maladaptive […]

Lifelong Learning

/life.long/ / Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Therefore, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but also self-sustainability, rather than competitiveness and employability. By choosing to continuously learn, well after traditional education is completed, individuals who practice lifelong learning […]

Learning Styles

/ /Style/ n.noun Learning styles are different ways that a person can learn. It’s commonly believed that most people favor some particular method of interacting with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information. As no one person is the same, their methods of most effectively taking in knowledge should also be unique to the individual. […]

Language Disorder

A developmental problem that impacts a person’s ability to use language.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management refers to the array of practices and strategies that are used to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Unlike information management (computer-related and stored information), knowledge management refers to the transmission, use, and management of human knowledge and experiences. This area of organizational management focuses on improving performance, […]